Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Being raised under very strict rule and not permitted to do anything remotely perceived as "bad" growing up, I did what every red-blooded American preacher's kid would do upon fleeing the nest to go to college... rebelled and went wild. My Freshman year at school would prove to be one of many milestones and experiences. The highlight of my first year was to become a sister of Chi Sigma Nu sorority. Never before in my life had I had a sister, and then I had 12!
As I look back on my dorm life with 12 sisters it still makes me smile. There was always someone there to share a laugh, cry on a shoulder, partake in a bitch session, sit with at dinner, walk with to class... and pull the best pranks. "Commandoing" as we called it was our night time joy ride. It was a time for justice, mischief or just plain old orneriness. There would be no snoring that night! The word would spread across the sisters that day during classes that "tonight was the night". An hour would be set to meet, most usually this was 1:00am. Black clothing was mandatory. Faces were to be covered or blackened with makeup. Sometimes pantyhose over the head was necessary. What would be the mission for the night? Turning license plates upside down on the cars at faculty row? Mr. Bubble in the campus fountain? Body surfing on the top of a car? Toilet papering our favorite prof's office? Saran-wrapping all the public toilets? Maxi pads on the license plates of boys who had done one of us wrong? The fun never stopped. Until one night.

The night my father, who had taken a temporary staff position at the college for a professor on sabbatical, made the mistake of letting me borrow his car. The key to my father's car was on a key ring which also held the master key to all of the doors on campus. Now any other group of wild girls could have certainly used this master key to do all kinds of naughtiness. What did we do? We opened the doors of the library and drove Dad's car inside and locked the building back up. Imagine the look on my father's face when he walked out of a staff meeting the next morning to find his car the center of attention at Pickett Library. Imagine the look on MY face when the president of the college was walking right beside him.

COST: 20 hours of community service at Heiner Hall serving banquets
PRICELESS: Dad's big smile behind the wheel :)


  1. What a great way to start my day. If life was only so care free now. My daughter graduates high school next year and will make her own way at college. I can only hope that she makes the memories and the lifetime friends I did with the Sisters of Chi Sigma Nu.

  2. ROFL!! I remember those days and laugh! How did we not get into more trouble than we did! Michelle, my son is also a senior and heading to college in the fall. I am scared. He is much more of a risk-taker than I ever was. What I have already had to endure, with this child, is much more than I can take LOL! Thanks for the laughs, Lyda! ~Robin

  3. OMG!!!!! You never told me THAT one. Why am I not surprised? I am dying to know the name of that professor you TP'd. As an AB Alum I'm wondering if I held the same sentiment LOL! By the way, when I saw the pic of the roll of toilet paper at the top of this blog post something totally different sprung to MY mind about what this blog would hold. You get ONE clue..."Potty." BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Love Evil Ethel
